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  • Italy /Schengen Work Permit For Artists, Actors, and Film crews

Italy /Schengen Work Permit For Artists, Actors, and Film crews

90 Days
  • 5 Start Hotel
  • Available
  • Bus, Taxi
  • Visa, Master Card
  • Available
  • Hotel
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • English, Italian, French
  • Available
  • Guided By Valigia Travel
  • Included in Booking
  • 18
  • 65


Valigia Travel supports companies and individuals with their activities in Italy and Schengen area, providing specialized assistance in global mobility of persons who need assistance to travel to Schengen.

Work Permits for Artists, Actors, and Film crews

In order to perform in Italy, foreign artists are required to obtain a work permit/visa and residence permit (if required), regardless of the duration of the work to be performed. Performing in Italy always requires work authorization, either in the form of a work permit or work visa. Entry on business is allowed only if the individuals travel to Italy for business meetings and orientation tours.

Entry into Italy for the purpose of artistic subordinate employment is not subject to the “quota” limits and is regulated by Art.27, c.1 letters l) m) n) o) of Italian Immigration law.

The work permit application is filed with a specific office within the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The crew/artists/staff/entertainers must be sponsored by an Italian entity/co-producer, even if they remain employees of the foreign company. In this case, the Italian entity/co-producer must be previously appointed by the foreign employer by means of a notarised “contract of agency” (Mandato di rappresentanza). It is vital that the sponsor/host entity in Italy provides evidence of compliance with fiscal and social security obligations.

Artists, even if remaining hired above, must comply with the relevant social security obligations in Italy, unless otherwise established by bilateral social security agreements. The work authorization is issued for an initial period not exceeding twelve months. An extension is possible under specific conditions. Once the work permit is issued, applicants must obtain the relevant visa from the Italian consulate having jurisdiction over their place of residency abroad, then travel to Italy and apply for the residence permit within 8 days from arrival (for stays over 90 days).

Our Services for Work Permits for Artists, Actors, and Film crews

We can assist clients with every step of the process, from the work permit (Nulla Osta) application with the Immigration Office (Sportello Unico per l’Immigrazione) until the collection of the residence permit. Through our network of 100+ local consultants, we accompany our clients in person in all major cities in Italy and guarantee a complete and well-presented application to achieve a higher chance of success.

Valigia Travel Italy Visa Assistance process:

Please note that procedures may change according to the type of Visa.

However, your presence at the local Consulate will be requested in all cases, in order to obtain the visa on your passport.

Make sure you have:

  • Your passport*
  • 2 recent passport-size photos
  • Application fee (when applicable)


Available After Visa Approval

This Booking Includes

The Cost Includes

  • Pick-up or Drop-off service from and to Airport(in our own vehicle)
  • International Airfare
  • Transportation to and from!!
  • Food all along the trip(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and a cup of coffee or tea) and accommodations during the trip in hotels with family environment
  • Transportation, food, accommodation and insurance of Guide during the trip
  • Down jacket, all-season sleeping bag, duffel bag and trekking map(in case if you don’t have your own. Down jacket, sleeping bag and duffel bag must be returned after completion of the trip)
  • First Aid Medical Kit(Your guide will carry the Medical Kit but we also advise to bring yourself for your own use, as far as possible)
  • All the required permits and paperwork

This Booking Cost Excludes

  • Visa Charges
  • Hotel Expenses(In Kathmandu, some packages do include hotel expenses)
  • Your travel and medical insurance
  • Personal Expenses such as shopping, bar bills, hot shower, telephone, laundry, titbits etc
  • Food and accommodations in Kathmandu
  • Services not mentioned or not promised by the agent/agency
  • Emergency expenses such as expenses on chartered helicopter.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to get my visa?

Processing time may vary from few hours to 15 days, depending on each case. No fast track is available. It is strongly recommended to apply at least 2 weeks before scheduled departure. Applications cannot be processed earlier than 180 days before departure date.

To apply for a visa how long should my passport be valid for?

All passports need to be valid for at least 3 months beyond the expiry of the visa requested.

What is the difference between a short-stay Schengen visa and a long-stay national visa?

A short-stay Schengen visa allows applicants to stay in the Schengen area between 1 and 90 days. It cannot be issued to Australians, but only to passport holders of certain nationalities. Australians do not need this kind of visa for staying in the Schengen between 1 and 90 days as tourists or students.
A national visa is issued by a specific Schengen country only to allow applicants to stay in that specific country between 91 and 365 days for long-term employment, study or residency purposes.

Can I overstay my Schengen / national visa or arrive before the visa starting date?

Overstaying or arriving before the starting date of a short-stay Schengen visa is not allowed. Australian citizens holding a long-stay national visa may spend a further 90 days in any of the Schengen country in any 6 month period as tourists ONLY prior, during or after the validity of their national visa.

Why do i need a Schengen Visa?

Upon presentation of the documentation certifying their legal residence in Italy, must present a visa to enter the Schengen Area, regardless of the length of stay and regardless of travel documents, with the exception of holders of a residence permit valid in the following days which authorizes the stay in Italy or in another state of the Schengen area where you will stay longer. If you wish to travel to multiple Schengen countries for equivalent periods of stay, you must submit your visa application to the embassy or consulate of the country which is your entry point into the Schengen area.

What is the difference between a Schengen Visa and a National Visa?

A Schengen visa (type C) is issued by one of the member countries of the Schengen area, valid for a short stay (limited to 90 days in a period of 180 days) only in the countries of the Schengen area. European competence to receive and issue these visas rests with the consular representation of the country of destination (in the case of a single destination) or that of the main destination (in the case of multiple destinations) due to the length of stay (the longer) or according to the reason for stay (professional reasons in a Schengen State take precedence over tourist, family or private visit reasons in another State). A national Long-stay visa (Type D) is only valid for an establishment or a stay of more than 90 days in the country which issued this visa

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

Italy /Schengen Work Permit For Artists, Actors, and Film crews
From €2,860
/ Adult
From €1,200
/ Child
  • 5 Start Hotel
  • Available
  • Bus, Taxi
  • Visa, Master Card
  • Available
  • Hotel
  • Breakfast and Dinner
  • English, Italian, French
  • Available
  • Guided By Valigia Travel
  • Included in Booking
  • 18
  • 65